VET stands for Vocational Education & Training.
Students can gain nationally recognised accreditation in industry standard competencies or modules.
A VET course offers students:
- the option to combine a vocational pathway with their SACE studies
- an opportunity to obtain a certificate I, II or III qualification
- a pathway to further tertiary study or vocational education.
Students can study VET courses through Registered Training Organisations (ie TAFE) while completing their senior schooling. VET courses allow students to gain SACE accreditation either at Stage 1 or 2 level, with parent/carer approval, students can either complete a VET course in lieu of a school-based subject, or in addition to the full load of school subjects.
Please note that students who complete Certificate III level training courses (as listed on the SACE Board’s VET Recognition Register and attributed Stage 2 accreditation) can use this to help generate an ATAR score, required for tertiary entrance. Only one Certificate III course can be counted for ATAR generation.
Port Broughton Area School has a fully outfitted automotive workshop. Year 10 students can select automotive as an elective and undertake units including:
- Identify environmental and sustainability requirements in an automotive service or repair workplace
- Apply automotive workplace safety fundamentals
- Identify auto electrical systems & components
- Identify auto mechanical systems & components
- Use and maintain workplace tools and equipment
- Use numbers in automotive workplace
- Identify, select and use low voltage electrical test equipment
- Solder electrical wiring & circuits
Connections exist in the local community for students who are interested to further their automotive pathway to complete a work placement.
The school’s Secondary Pathways Coordinator is responsible for supporting students and families with career counselling and liaises with a local employers, Apprenticeship Network Providers and Registered Training Organisations, to support the provision of career pathways for individual students.