Governing Council

Governing Council

Functions of the Governing Council

A modified statement taken from the PBAS Governing Council Constitution

The Governing Council has a joint responsibility with the Principal for the governance of the school. It must:

Involve the school community in the governance of the school by:

  • providing a forum for the involvement of parents and the school community;
  • ascertaining the educational needs of the local community and the attitude of the local community to educational developments within the school; and
  • ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the community is considered and particular needs are appropriately identified.

Set the broad direction and vision of the school.

Participate in strategic planning for the school including:

  • developing, monitoring and reviewing the school strategic plan;
  • considering, approving and monitoring staffing and asset management;
  • determining policies for the school including policies for the safety, welfare and discipline of students;
  • determining the application of the total financial resources available to the school including the regular review of the budget;
  • reporting to the school community and the Education Minister as required.

In addition the Council